Via The Economist, an interesting report on sub-Saharan Africa’s opportunity to build itself anew and attract needed investment & economic growth, despite the global financial chaos. As the article notes “…all this has been accompanied by a steady drumbeat of optimism about the continent, and confidence in its prospects. Despite the litany of problems, the […]
Read more »Via BBC, an interesting report that Cubapetroleo, the state-owned Cuban oil company, recently announced that the country may have more than 20bn barrels of oil in its offshore fields – more than double the previous estimate and an amount that would place Cuba among the top 20 oil producing nations. As the article notes: “…Cubapetroleo’s […]
Read more »Courtesy of Energy Daily, an interesting look at how – in the aftermath of the August military confrontation between Georgia and Russia –former Soviet republics and rising petro-states Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan have been reassessing their export options, with Iran receiving increased attention in both Baku and Astana. As the article notes, Iran has been moving […]
Read more »Via Energy Daily, a report that oil from Kazakhstan’s Tengiz field will be delivered by tankers across the Caspian Sea to the BP-led consortium’s Sangachal Terminal on Azerbaijan’s Absheron Peninsula for pumping into the1,094-mile, $3.6 billion Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) pipeline for transmission to Ceyhan. As the article notes: “…The August Russian-Georgian military conflict highlighted the vulnerability […]
Read more »As noted in The Wall Street Journal, as the shockwaves from the U.S. financial crisis ripple across the globe, the big question on many investors’ minds is: who’s next? As the article states: “…Other countries are susceptible to trouble: Wednesday, Standard & Poor’s said it was considering downgrading Hungary and Ukraine. Both countries have large […]
Read more »From Money Morning, a report detailing how – in the author’s eyes -China is Beating the United States in the global oil “game.” As the article notes: “…According to reports from Baghdad, the 22-year deal between the Iraqi government and the China National Petroleum Co. involves $55 billion, or 87% of Iraq’s current total revenue […]
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