Archive for November, 2010

Economic Cost Of A Potential ‘Third World’ War In Africa

Via The Financial Times, an interesting report on the economic cost to Africa of potential renewed conflict in Sudan: “…For foreign investors, frontier markets don’t come much wilder than south Sudan. But what happens in that land-locked expanse of scrub also matters to people who’ve ploughed their money into more “civilised” places next door, such […]

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TAPI’ing Around Quietly In Afghanistan

Via, an interesting look at the Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India (TAPI) pipeline project in Central Asia, from a Canadian perspective: “…The TAPI pipeline project has long been the elephant in the closet, quietly supported by Western powers. Countries expect to sign formal agreements in December, with construction to be completed by 2014 — […]

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An Integrated Latin America

Via Mark Mobius’ blog, an updated assessment of Latin American markets: “…At the end of November 2010, Chile, Colombia and Peru are planning to integrate their stock exchanges, providing local investors with more investment opportunities and also allowing companies to access a broader investor base. We are likely to see increased foreign investor participation with […]

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Vietnam Comes Calling

Via The Financial Times, a report highlighting Viettel’s (the military-run mobile phone network operator that is Vietnam’s largest) overseas expansion in the past few years.  As the article notes: “…The persistent attempts by Huawei, the Chinese telecoms equipment manufacturer, to break into into the US have been met with hostility by American legislators suspicious about […]

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The Cuban Oil Crisis? Russia’s Gazprom To Drill In Cuban Waters

Courtesy of The New York Times, a report that Gazprom is going to drill for oil in Cuban waters: “…The Russian energy giant Gazprom has joined a growing list of companies that plan to drill for oil in the waters off Cuba, close to the United States but out of reach of its safety regulators. […]

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In The Dragon’s Reach: Cambodia

Via China Law blog, an interesting look at China’s growing relationship with Cambodia as American and European companies begin to turn to Vietnam, Cambodia, and even Laos, for their manufacturing outsourcing due to cost increases in China.  As the article notes: “•    …Most of the current development seems to be highly dependent on Chinese (Hong […]

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Wildcats & Black Sheep is a personal interest blog dedicated to the identification and evaluation of maverick investment opportunities arising in frontier - and, what some may consider to be, “rogue” or “black sheep” - markets around the world.

Focusing primarily on The New Seven Sisters - the largely state owned petroleum companies from the emerging world that have become key players in the oil & gas industry as identified by Carola Hoyos, Chief Energy Correspondent for The Financial Times - but spanning other nascent opportunities around the globe that may hold potential in the years ahead, Wildcats & Black Sheep is a place for the adventurous to contemplate & evaluate the emerging markets of tomorrow.