Courtesy of the New York Times, a report on Angola’s recent decision to create a sovereign wealth fund: Angola’s government announced Wednesday the creation of a sovereign wealth fund that will invest profits from oil sales in businesses in an effort to diversify the country’s economy and spread prosperity beyond the small elite that has […]
Read more »Via The Financial Times, a commentary on Myanmar: After years of international isolation, the government of Myanmar has a golden opportunity to create a fully-inclusive financial system. It should take it. Market forces are already at work in the country. You can see that if you try to book a hotel room in Yangon. They […]
Read more »Via The Council on Foreign Relations, an interesting look at the growth of Latin America’s economies: I’ve been looking recently at the structural changes in many of Latin America’s economies (through the evolution of their exports). The different trajectories are quite striking, as you can see in the graphs below. Out of Latin America’s biggest […]
Read more »Via The Financial Times, a look at emerging market consumers in 2050: The Philippines and Peru aren’t always the first names to crop up when it comes to analysing the brightest prospects in emerging markets. But they are two of the surprise performers in our study of the Consumer in 2050, which looks at how […]
Read more »Courtesy of The Financial Times, a comparison of Colombia and Argentina, and a reflection on Colombia’s rapid rise: Two years ago, when we started our tenure at Colombia’s finance ministry, we realised that, using IMF data, Colombia’s GDP had become larger that Venezuela’s. Having been trailing behind our neighbour for decades, such an achievement was […]
Read more »Via The Financial Times, a look at Indonesia’s economic growth: During the last decade, while the world has looked to the Bric countries to deliver growth and China and India have been the main focus of attention in Asia, Indonesia has largely slipped under the radar. Were it not for China and India, though, Indonesia […]
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