Via The Wall Street Journal, a report on the devastating impact the recent bombings could have upon foreign direct investment, trade, and tourism in Sri Lanka: The aftershocks of Sri Lanka’s deadly Easter bombings could damage its fragile economy for years by sapping it of dollars and confidence just when the island nation needs them most. […]
Read more »Via The Economist, an article on Egypt’s economy: The investors gathered at a posh Cairo restaurant were eager to pour money into an economy that, just three years ago, lacked the hard currency to import cooking oil. A revolution in 2011 (and a coup two years later) tipped Egypt into economic crisis. Investors and tourists […]
Read more »Via Quartz, an interesting look at a new motorcycle hailing app in Mogadishu: You can now hail a motorcycle service in the Somali capital, Mogadishu. The Go! app launched in the Indian Ocean city today (May 1) promising affordable and convenient options in the city’s bustling transport sector. The e-hailing service is starting out with 20 motorcycles, […]
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