Courtesy of Emerging Markets Insights, an interesting report on the need for provincial-level segmentation when developing an ASEAN strategy:
1. Country-Level Analysis Not Enough:
a. As the region matures and companies increase their focus on it, executives need to conduct in-depth provincial analysis in order to understand where the specific demand-side opportunities lie and where there is the ideal supply-side support
b. In a market where affordability is a key challenge faced by all MNCs, executives ought to conduct their opportunity analysis on a provincial basis, to focus their investments towards the top choices
c. While provincial data is not available for many indicators, companies can begin with macroeconomic analysis by looking at gross domestic product, per capita wealth, population, and some expenditure patterns
2. Keep Your Focus on the Hot Spots: 25% of the Provinces Hold 75% of the Wealth
a. Wealth in Southeast Asia remains highly concentrated thus companies looking to expand in the region should focus their efforts on the top-tier provinces, which make-up for more than 75% of the GDP of the entire region
b. Depending on the specific province, companies will have to adopt different tactics in order to access end customers, who are likely to have varying consumption patterns as a function of their location and source of wealth
c. Companies could also conduct consumption pattern studies to get a better idea of their expenditure habits (use expenditure or food vs. non-food figures)