From the unofficial Jim Rogers blog, some interesting comments on North Korea attributed to the legendary investor:
FM: I thought North Korea was still a closed society. Are they making reforms?
Jim Rogers : The problem is that everyone is looking to American propaganda. [Kim Jong-un] has been there less than three years, he grew up in Europe, he knows there is a different world. His generals—more importantly—when they were lieutenants and captains, used to go to Shanghai and Beijing. They’ve come back and say you can’t believe what happened in Beijing the last 30 years and see nothing has happened [in North Korea]. There are 14 free trade zones this year in North Korea; you can take bicycle tours, they have international marathons, they just opened an international ski resort. All this is happening now, it is not something that is going to happen, these are things that have happened and are happening now. Unfortunately, [Americans] are not allowed to do anything but the Russians and the Chinese and a lot of other people are allowed to do things and they’re rushing in and doing a lot of things in North Korea.