Archive for the ‘Bangladesh’ Category

Youth Unemployment: Ticking Time Bomb Is Threatening Economies Across Asia

Via the Wall Street Journal, an article on double-digit unemployment which is holding back tens of millions of young people, raising urgent questions for a swath of fast-growing nations in Asia: Asia’s fastest-growing economies are hiding a dirty secret: Their youngest workers are battling stubbornly high rates of unemployment.  Bangladesh—long considered a development model for […]

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Emerging Market Miracles: Few and Fleeting

Via Emerging Markets Investor, a look at emerging markets: Much of the excitement that investors have for emerging markets is anchored in the idea that developing countries grow faster than the sclerotic rich countries of the West and that this growth brings opportunities for extraordinary portfolio returns. Unfortunately, this is largely wishful thinking, as the […]

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Bay of Dreams: Why Isn’t Bay of Bengal An Economic Superpower?

Via The Economist, a report on the Bay of Bengal: It is the biggest bay on Earth—so big that five countries define the Bay of Bengal’s rim, among them India, the biggest country in the world by population, and Bangladesh, the eighth most populous. As such, the Bay of Bengal should be a natural and thriving […]

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Bangladesh’s Internet Blackout Immobilizes Its Booming Tech Industry

Via Rest of World, a report on the impact that Bangladesh’s internet blackout is having upon its booming tech industry: Bangladesh’s tech industry has come to a halt as the nationwide internet blackouts entered a third day, leaving thousands of companies with financial and reputational losses and workers feeling helpless. Internet services in Bangladesh were […]

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How Russia Is Using Nuclear Power To Win Global Influence

Courtesy of The Financial Times, a report on how Russia is using nuclear power to win global influence: Rooppur in Bangladesh’s far west may seem an unlikely place for a Little Russia. Yet in this enclave, shop signs are written in Russian, Bengali vegetable vendors haggle over “kartoshka” (potatoes) and “morkov” (carrots), and Russian expats […]

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Bangladesh’s Touted “Cyber Capital”: Now a Ghost Town

Via Rest of World, a look at a Bangladesh tech park built for 100,000 workers which is now a ghost town: Bangladesh launched its first tech park on the outskirts of Dhaka in 2015. But nearly 10 years later, most of the facility remains unused. Several companies that had committed to setting up offices and […]

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Wildcats & Black Sheep is a personal interest blog dedicated to the identification and evaluation of maverick investment opportunities arising in frontier - and, what some may consider to be, “rogue” or “black sheep” - markets around the world.

Focusing primarily on The New Seven Sisters - the largely state owned petroleum companies from the emerging world that have become key players in the oil & gas industry as identified by Carola Hoyos, Chief Energy Correspondent for The Financial Times - but spanning other nascent opportunities around the globe that may hold potential in the years ahead, Wildcats & Black Sheep is a place for the adventurous to contemplate & evaluate the emerging markets of tomorrow.