Via Middle East – Told Slant substack, interesting analysis of Somaliland in light of the recent Turkish-brokered agreement between Somalia and Ethiopia: Somaliland Seen Critical to Containing Iranian, Chinese Expansion in the Red Sea Turkey last week announced it brokered an understanding between Ethiopia and Somalia, in a bid to turn down the heat on an […]
Read more »Via The Africa Report, an article on the Turkiye brokered deal between Ethiopia and Somalia: Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan says a joint declaration between Ethiopia and Somalia ‘focuses on the future, not the past’, describing it as the first step towards a new beginning based on peace and cooperation between the neighbours. In a […]
Read more »Via Semafor, an article on the possibility that a Trump White House looks will recognize the world’s newest country: Somaliland, a self-governing region within Somalia, will be much closer to being recognized by the United States as the world’s newest country when Donald Trump returns to the White House in January. Support for the region […]
Read more »Via National Interest, commentary on how the U.S. State Department’s futile and ossified approach to Somaliland advances Beijing’s objectives in the Horn of Africa: On December 13, 2018, National Security Advisor John Bolton announced the Trump administration’s new Africa strategy. “Great power competitors, namely China and Russia, are rapidly expanding their financial and political influence […]
Read more »Via The Economist, a report on how Ethiopia and Somalia are courting escalation in a quarrel over port access: Few parts of the world are more turbulent than the Horn of Africa, the continent’s north-eastern chunk that contains Somalia, Djibouti, Ethiopia and Eritrea. It has been racked by war between Ethiopia and Eritrea, by civil war […]
Read more »Via The Economist, a report on Somaliland: National day in Somaliland means joy, pomp and machines of war. On May 18th the president and assembled dignitaries watched, from the grandstand, the annual parade in the capital, Hargeisa, as police held back jubilant crowds. Acrobats, fire-eaters, cyclists and footballers flowed past, while a bemused lion paced in its cage, the […]
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