Via The Economist, a look at Syria’s economy: IN A SNAKING line to use some cashpoint machines in central Damascus, patience has worn thin. Two men who have been queuing for hours in the winter chill for the chance to withdraw a maximum of $30 come to blows. “I haven’t had cash to feed my boys […]
Read more »Via, a report that Qatar will supply natural gas to Syria’s new government: Qatar is set to supply Syria with natural gas via Jordan with Washington’s approval, Reuters has reported. Qatar was one of the fiercest opponents of the deposed Bashar al-Assad and one of the strongest supporters of the rebels-turned rulers currently in charge. The […]
Read more »Via Noema, a report on how a railroad that once linked Damascus to Medina, its tracks and stations now crumbling into the desert or destroyed by treasure hunters, could help stitch a fragmented region back together: In the center of this city in southern Syria is a long, rectangular warehouse constructed of black basalt. It […]
Read more »Via the Peterson Institute for International Economics, a report on Syria’s debt: Syria is in dire economic straits. The brutal civil war that lasted from 2011 to 2024 ended with the fall of the regime of President Bashar al-Assad. The country was effectively divided into several parts, each run by different rebel groups. The civil […]
Read more »Via World Politics Review, a report on Syria’s economic challenges ahead: Shoppers have long been coming to the Al-Hamidiyah market in central Damascus to purchase everything from clothes and home appliances to spices and even gold. In and around the Ottoman-era structure can be found links to Syria’s and the broader region’s history. The metal […]
Read more »Via Eurasia Review, commentary on the priorities for rebuilding Syria’s economy: After more than a decade of war, destruction and economic collapse in Syria, the country’s new government faces an urgent and formidable challenge: rebuilding the nation’s shattered economy. Years of conflict have devastated infrastructure, displaced millions and left the country struggling with widespread poverty, […]
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