China’s Economic Interest In Afghanistan After The U.S Withdrawal

Via Modern Diplomacy, a report on China’s economic interest in Afghanistan:

As a large and emerging peaceful power, China needs peace and stability in its neighborhood. Because uncertainty has negative effects on Afghanistan, while the emergence and realization of the “Chinese Dream 2050” requires a peaceful and stable Afghanistan. Afghanistan has long faced serious terrorism and law and order, which is a serious concern for China. He has strategic, economic, and political interests in this neighboring country. In the aftermath of the war on terror, the United States has announced its exit plan, which has created opportunities for China. the first; Second, efforts to bring peace to economic development. Third; Strengthening governance and fourth; Get international support. China is working on a humanitarian basis to help rebuild a war-torn country. China has emerged as the largest foreign investor in Afghanistan. Beijing is also working to integrate Afghanistan into its BRI initiatives, strengthen its economy, boost aid, strengthen its defense, and provide training facilities to Afghan institutions. China also plays a key role in the peace process and in supporting the “Afghanistan based in Afghanistan” peace process. His role is very important because all stakeholders believe in him because of China’s softness.

The main change in China’s foreign policy when announcing the US withdrawal is strengthening its role in the peace process, building institutions, economic aid, foreign direct investment, and improving Afghanistan’s defense capabilities. The strategic geographical and economic value of Afghanistan, as well as China’s extensive investment in the country, reflects the desire of both countries to expand bilateral relations and bilateral cooperation in all fields, especially in the economic and defense fields. Currently, some Chinese companies are involved in many constructions and economic projects of national importance in different parts of Afghanistan. China is currently the largest foreign investor in Afghanistan, mainly in the mining and energy sectors, which has been very positive in building peace, stability, and prosperity in Afghanistan.

China’s massive economic investment in Afghanistan is crucial to building peace, prosperity, stability, and stability in the Afghan war. China has many economic interests that it opposes to other foreign actors in Afghanistan, but China benefits from other stakeholders because of its soft image in Afghanistan and the five principles of peaceful coexistence. China’s approach is different from that of the United States and its allies in Afghanistan. The United States and its allies say peace can lead to economic development and prosperity in Afghanistan, while China believes that economic development can potentially bring peace, stability, and prosperity to Afghanistan. At this stage, the United States and other Western countries fighting in Afghanistan are not paying much attention to the role that China is playing in Afghanistan, which is essential to restoring peace and security in the country, like poverty and lack of economic opportunities Becomes. There will be conflict and chaos in every country. Provinces including Afghanistan. In Afghanistan, this is the main reason for terrorism because terrorist organizations can easily gain human power in a poor society. China’s economic support is needed not only to strengthen Afghanistan’s already weary economy but also to reduce its dependence on US and Western aid.

China is currently enthusiastically involved in Afghanistan’s reconstruction in terms of infrastructure, institutions, economy, defense, politics, health, and education. Provide training facilities and materials to educational institutions, as well as materials to help Afghan refugees and war-affected people. Afghanistan and its role in solving the main problem that the United States, NATO, and ISAF have been fighting for since 2001, but with very little success. In particular, this type of Beijing policy towards Afghanistan is in line with the morals, power, and national conditions of the Republic of China. Unlike the US and Western powers, Beijing adheres to the principles of non-interference in the internal affairs of independent countries and unconditional assistance to weak countries. This policy and strategy of China is a great model for other great powers in this field. Beijing is well aware of all the problems and realities and is working hard to ensure regional peace and stability in Afghanistan.

An important and very active peace process in the interaction of the people of the Republic of China, a large amount of his unconditional assistance, the largest foreign investor, assistance to economic development, facilitating bilateral trade as a Chinese scholarship for Afghan students and exploration of resources Natural has certainly made China very different and very effective in resolving the Afghan issue because Chinese communist foreign policy towards Afghanistan is very different from that of the United States. In contact with Kabul, Beijing demonstrates a neutral and non-aligned foreign policy that works directly with the legitimate government of Afghanistan while distancing itself from non-governmental actors such as the Taliban, including China and the United States in Afghanistan. It distinguishes. This is a good sign for the future of the fragile country of war and war. In this critical situation, many strategies and options are available to China. In this regard, a vital strategy and option that can work for the PRC, unlike the United States and other stakeholders, is the convergence of interests between China and Pakistan because Pakistan has a very important role to play in Afghanistan. Beijing does not want to impose any conditions on the peace process, nor does it express its views on the peace process between the parties to the ongoing conflict in the country. The United States has been pursuing the victory of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan since 2001, while the People’s Republic of China has from the beginning been interested in having only one peaceful and stable Afghanistan in its neighborhood, as this directly affects China. . Beijing wants to ensure the support of all countries in the region in their efforts to build peace, and wants to see Beijing’s role as friendly. To this end, Beijing through various initiatives and meetings, such as the trilateral talks between China, Afghanistan, and Pakistan, the Quartet Coordination Group, six projects plus one project including six countries China, Pakistan, USA, Russia, Iran, India, And Afghanistan, the Istanbul Process and many other valuable initiatives. Thus, it shows that, unlike the United States, the PRC wants to achieve multilateralism in the region instead of unilateralism. It is a fact that the People’s Republic of China is claimed as a great power with increasing influence in the region and a potential factor of stability in the region. Another great option that China has is a soft image of international and regional affairs, as well as allegiance to any NGO in Afghanistan, past or present. Ordinary Afghans also trust China to compete with the United States. Another person involved in Afghanistan. Therefore, based on this fact, we can say whether China can achieve what the United States cannot achieve in Afghanistan.

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