Via Energy Daily, a report that a partially built Russian oil pipeline to Asia will not be connected to China in 2009. As noted in the article, a spur planned to be built from the Eastern Siberia-Pacific Ocean (ESPO) pipeline to the Chinese border in 2009 cannot be put into operation next year:
“…China has jockeyed with Japan for access to oil from the ESPO pipeline, which is designed to link Siberian oil fields to Kozmino Bay on Russia’s Pacific coast with a total length of over 4,700 kilometres (2,900 miles).
The projected spur from Skovorodino, a town in Russia’s eastern Amur region, to the Chinese border would be relatively short at 67 kilometres (42 miles) and China has funded a feasibility study for its construction.
The first phase of the ESPO pipeline, connecting oil-producing regions to Skovorodino, was initially scheduled to go into operation in late 2009 but its launch has been pushed back to the fourth quarter of 2009, Interfax said.”