The Largest Thanksgiving Day Sale Ever: Oil Producers Buy The World
November 28th, 2007
From the NY Times, more evidence that oil-producing countries have embarked upon a global shopping spree. While the focus is the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority’s bold outlay of $7.5 billion [...]
No Occident: Increased Interest in Libya
November 28th, 2007 Via Stratfor (subscription required), news that U.S. energy company Occidental Petroleum Corp. and Australian oil and gas firm OMV have agreed to jointly explore for oil in five areas in Libya. [...]
November 28th, 2007 Via Stratfor (subscription required), news that U.S. energy company Occidental Petroleum Corp. and Australian oil and gas firm OMV have agreed to jointly explore for oil in five areas in Libya. [...]
Sun shining on the DMZ?
November 28th, 2007 Via Newsweek, an interesting look at the current state of North Korea’s economy and the possibilities for growth should continued progress towards peace be achieved. As the article notes, in [...]
November 28th, 2007 Via Newsweek, an interesting look at the current state of North Korea’s economy and the possibilities for growth should continued progress towards peace be achieved. As the article notes, in [...]
Zimbabwe: Point of (Full) Return?
November 17th, 2007 As reported in the WSJ, intrepid investors are seeking out opportunities in some of the most challenging markets around the world. Take, for instance, Zimbabwe where the annual inflation rate is [...]
November 17th, 2007 As reported in the WSJ, intrepid investors are seeking out opportunities in some of the most challenging markets around the world. Take, for instance, Zimbabwe where the annual inflation rate is [...]
More Evidence that Big Oil Shrinking in Influence…
November 16th, 2007 In my 10 November post ($100 Oil: Creating a New World Order), I focused on the shift in power away from traditional Big Oil towards state run oil companies in some emerging nations. Steve [...]
November 16th, 2007 In my 10 November post ($100 Oil: Creating a New World Order), I focused on the shift in power away from traditional Big Oil towards state run oil companies in some emerging nations. Steve [...]
A(D)MD: Abu Dhabi Buys Stake in AMD
November 16th, 2007 Via the WSJ, another case of Abu Dhabi’s strategic-investment arm – Mubadala Development Co. – continuing to build its presence in high-tech sectors as part of the broader trend of [...]
November 16th, 2007 Via the WSJ, another case of Abu Dhabi’s strategic-investment arm – Mubadala Development Co. – continuing to build its presence in high-tech sectors as part of the broader trend of [...]