Courtesy of Reuters, a very interesting look at the evolution of the middle-class around the world. Emerging markets such as China, India and Indonesia are estimated to increase Asia’s share of the global middle-class to 64% and account for over 40% of global middle-class consumption by the year 2030:
For the first time in history, a truly global middle class is emerging. By 2030, it will more than double in size, from 2 billion today to 4.9 billion. Brookings Institution scholar Homi Kharas estimates that the European and American middle classes will shrink from 50 percent of the total to just 22 percent. Rapid growth in China, India, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, and Malaysia will cause Asia’s share of the new middle to more than double from its current 30%. By 2030, Asia will host 64% of the global middle class and account for over 40% of global middle-class consumption.